Well it is another weekend down in the books of my stay here in Arizona. I make it sound as if it is actually enjoyable when really its far from that. I actually had training this weekend so sleeping in was not an option as usual for my Saturday morning. Luckily I had no schedule for Sunday so I slept until 0915. Granted that doesn't sound like sleeping in but for me it is. Though we are now down to around 125 days until I leave here(granted i keep doing well in class). As I have said before I am counting the days until i get to be with my wife again(143-7 SKW).
Lets get down to the training we had to complete Saturday. Apparently the Army thinks that it is necessary to have training in manual land navigation. Basically they give us a map, compass, protractor, pencil and tell us to plot these particular points. After we locate the points well go to our starting point and go from point to point until the finishing point. We had five points to locate and a rough travel distance of 3100 meters. The terrain we had to cross was actually a surprise considering we are in the desert. Though granted they put us at the base of a mountain. All of the points came in, up, or around ravines. At two of the points we actually had to scale to side of a ridiculously inclined hill. Once we finished it turned our not to many people actually finished the course. We finished in under three hours along with getting to all of our plotted locations. I guess now if my convoy is attacked, every single GPS is destroyed and we happen to have all of the items to navigate we can make it out just fine. Don't forget well have to do this while fighting off the actual ambush. Anyway it is just one of those training exercises we are told is mandatory to complete the class.
After returning back to our barracks i found out that both my Wildcats and Buckeyes handled their opponents with ease. I have high expectations of both teams this year and if Kentucky can steal a couple big games in the SEC expect to see them in the top 25 by week six. As far as Ohio State anything short of a National Championship bid will be a disappointment. I will say Joker Phillips has the Cats in shape and putting them down the right path. So for all of the doubters who didn't see the potential, who's laughing now? For the believers the season is off to an excellent start and much more couldn't be asked for. Now when today rolled around I was a bit nervous that the Bengals were gonna have a game on their hands. As expected they had just that finishing off a close game 15-10 over division rival Baltimore. I guess after the embarrassing week one game Def. Coord. Mike Zimmer decided to turn the defense around. Holding an offense with some major weapons on it to just a single touchdown followed by a field goal. As far as the offense it was still a disappointing performance considering the game was won off of a strong defense and leg of Nugent. Hitting a season high 5/5 with a long of 46. Impressive kicking is always a great thing but I hope we don't have to rely on it for winning to many games this season. At least we got the win and keep the potential of an undefeated division record.
I was laying in bed this afternoon being lazy as i deserve to be after the week of class and week coming up. Thinking of all the things I have potential to do with my future. Sometimes the rough times you have seem like its going to never end but you have to dig deep and realize the good things to come. I have an amazing wife, family and I am building the foundation to a spectacular life. The downsides of Fort Huachuca seem so negative due to the lifestyle my generation is used to living. Once I signed that contract it wasn't just an oath for a new job but an oath for so much more. It sounds corny but the Army really is the keystone of defending Freedom. I have always taken this for granted and now that I am a part of something so much larger then anything I have ever done, I won't again. When i first swore in i thought I would never go down range and my intel. job would have me sitting in a cozy office. Now that I am over a month into class and finding out it is the exact opposite of that I am excited. Not to sound crazy but I am ready to go fight for my country along my brothers and sisters. We make some of the biggest sacrifices of anyone and for those who have the heart never think twice about getting our job done. As bad as my platoon can be sometimes there is a core group of members I wouldn't think twice about working with in Afghanistan. I look forward to the coming years of my life with my new wife, new job, new place and new outlook on everything.
Just remember everyone controls their own destiny.
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