Well normally if I was back in Kentucky outside would be turning that shade of beautiful you long to see every year. Sadly I am thousands of miles away from home, my amazing wife, my family and my friends. Considering I am still finding my feel for this Army situation things could always be worse. At least i have access to my computer and cell phone. I've found that I keep my sanity by burying myself in my xbox when I'm not doing class work. Everyone is worried about getting phase 5+ so they can go party and waste money but I am not even slightly interested in that. Being newly married really has put life into perspective for me. I now realize that I can't spend my money on alcohol and the partying i used to do. Now it's gonna all be about saving for my families future. It is actually quite exciting knowing that when I move to my new duty station that I wont be moving alone. I am by far the happiest I have ever been and no distance has come in danger of changing that. I feel distance is a true test of love and whether or not it is pure. Luckily for me i found my soul mate and couldn't find a single complaint with it. As far as the Army taking forever on letting me know where my first duty station will be. I haven't really decided if I care where I end up considering it will be a new and hopefully exciting place with my wife. We've got what seems to be an endless list of things we plan on doing once we move but January is taking its sweet time getting here. The new year will bring my 22nd birthday, a new year with my love, and a new year in a new place. We did decide we will most likely wait for children until I return from my first deployment. I really would hate to miss anything during the pregnancy, and it would absolutely devastate me if I missed the baby being born. I wanna be the husband who has to get up at random hours in the night because Sara is craving an off the wall food that I will drive miles to find. I always knew I would be a good father but now that I am one step closer, I will admit I'm pretty excited.
Of course I will have to throw in some fantasy blogging for this entry. I had a poor week considering my top running back went down in the second quarter and my quarterback couldn't even bring me double digits. I still won by a sizable margin which leads me to believe I won't have any issues winning this league. Hopefully a few sleepers I acquired will prove pay dirt as I usually get every year. Though we can't separate the boys from the men until at least mid-season. Updates will be given weekly on how I am fairing.
Now for another one of my thumb blistering hobbies, Gaming. I recently purchased Halo: Reach and I am having trouble keeping the controller out of my hands now. It is all that I was expecting and more. The sniper rifle is precisely what I expected and wanted. The shots register like they should, the range is true, and the no scopes are legit. I also like the idea of the single shot DMR vs the 3 round burst of the Battle Rifle so many have come to love. Competitively I see this game being on the success level of Halo 2 due to its enjoyability of play and similarity of play to Halo 1 which everyone has been moaning to return. The maps released with the game could have been designed better but once MLG gets their hands on forge it will all fall into place. I look forward to MLG and Gamebattles play from this new title.
Well its about that time again, wonderful Army formation.
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